Women go through a lot at times. And the battle is not just against the world, but sometimes against their own bodies as well. There are some issues that affect the normal functioning of a female body. Such disorders are becoming more and more common now and so, it becomes important to educate ourselves about these. PCOS is one of these issues.
What is PCOS?
PCOS stands for Polycystic ovary syndrome which is a condition that affects a woman’s hormonal levels in their reproductive years. It commonly occurs in women between 14–45 years of age.
Women with PCOS secret male hormones in amounts larger than the normal. This leads to irregularity in the menstruation cycle and difficulty in conceiving. It can even induce long-term diseases like diabetes and heart diseases.
Although birth control pills and some drugs contribute to reducing the symptoms, it’s not that simple. In order to find the cure, understanding the root cause of a problem is a must.
Major Causes of PCOS
PCOS affects a woman’s ovaries and leads to the secretion of small amounts of the male hormone called androgens instead of secretion of the frame hormones estrogen and progesterone. The features that distinguish PCOS from other similar disorders are cysts in ovaries, high levels of male hormones, and skipped/ missed periods.
Although the exact causes of PCOS are still not known, doctors believe that there are three possible causes.
- Resistance to Insulin
As per studies, 70% of the women with PCOS are resistant to insulin as well. Insulin is a hormone that the pancreas secretes to break down the sugars to produce energy. In this condition, the cells fail to use insulin properly which creates more demand for more insulin. To deal with this, the pancreas secretes more insulin. More insulin triggers the secretion of the male hormone in abnormal amounts.
Hence, the patients often skip their periods and can even lead to facial hair, more body hair, and/or baldness. And insulin resistance is also a reason that they also have a high chance of developing Type-2 Diabetes.
2. Genetic Factors
As per some studies, PCOS is inherited down the generations. Often, more than one gene contributes to the development of this disorder.
3. Inflammation
Various studies have shown that increased inflammation in the body can also trigger higher levels of androgens. Hence, high inflammation is also attributed as one of the causes of PCOS.
Major Symptoms
It has been estimated that around 70% of the women suffering from PCOS don’t show any symptoms for a long time. But some young girls show symptoms right after their first period.
Major symptoms are:
- Irregular periods
- Heave flow due to build up at the uterine lining
- Hair growth of the face and other body parts like belly, chest, and back areas
- Skin problems like more oil secretion, acne, and breakouts on the face, chest, and back
- Overweight and obesity
- Excess hair fall and baldness like men
- Frequent headaches
- Dark patches on areas like the neck, under the breasts, and in the pubic area
Cure for PCOS
Developing PCOS, or any other disease or disorder for that matter isn’t the end of the world. Proper medications and treatment coupled with strong will power can be of great help. So, some of the cures of PCOS are mentioned below.
- Managing Weight
This is a major factor while managing PCOS. The increased weight can result in the development of other diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, slowing down metabolism, etc. Losing weight with PCOS might be difficult but adopting healthy habits can make it easier.
2. Managing Diet
Managing the diet can give two-fold benefits. Firstly, it can regulate insulin levels in the body by taking the right amount of sugars. Secondly, it can be an aid in weight loss. Diet should be planned with the help of a professional dietician.
3. Herbal Products
Some of the pieces of evidence show that certain herbal products can help to regulate ovulation. Some spices like cinnamon can also be used to achieve the same and to deal with infertility that follows. But, just like other medicines, these should also be consumed after consulting a professional.
4. Exercise and Workout
Exercise is a very important part of weight loss. It is important to maintain overall health and to get good night sleep. Exercise at home, yoga, or a good workout in the gym are absolute essentials in managing PCOS.
We at 7C helps you personally navigate these changes by helping you with the right information, keep you motivated towards healthy living and thus helping you identify what’s the next change we needa do in order to reverse PCOS. If you looking to avail 7C services, reach us on whatsapp via our website.
Author : Neha