One common symptom of PCOS is hirsutism which means growth of male like hairs on upper lips, breasts, chin and other body parts. However, one of the myths associated with it is that every woman who has PCOS or PCOD develops make-like patterns. However, this is not true at all. Like other symptoms, this also varies from woman to woman and that is why PCOS is a syndrome and not a disease.
However, if you are developing these patterns and don’t know if you have PCOS or PCOD, we highly encourage you to visit a gynecologist and be sure about it. However, 50% cases of PCOS went undiagnosed. Read more about it here.
How else does PCOS affect beauty? Apart from gaining weight in many cases, PCOS can lead to thickening of hair and many of our users reported premature hair fall as a sign. Developing hair on unwanted parts combined with voice modulation is another factor associated with PCOS.
However, if you are suffering from PCOS and want to know how to get rid of those unwanted hair? Stay tuned to know more.
Meanwhile, make sure to check our website and join our digital program if you are suffering from PCOS and PCOD.
Using behavioral science, We help women to get rid of PCOS, by giving them the right set of tools, information, accountability(support) and insights to build a healthy lifestyle.