If we make a country with all the currently detected PCOS/PCOD patients, that would be the 12th largest country in the world by population. However, the case would have been entirely different if we could detect the cases with 100% accuracy. That country would have easily reached the top 3 spots. Between 50 and 70 percent of women with PCOS go undiagnosed. And let’s see why?
How PCOS is detected?
- Irregular menses
Oh, that can be because of multiple reasons like stress, endometriosis, menopausal symptoms, cancer or even high amounts of exercise. - Excess androgen
Male like patterns, including hair on face, chin and breasts implies excess androgen in the body which occurs in a small portion of women and thus the remaining cases remains unidentified. - Poly cystic ovaries in Ultrasound
Multiple cysts in ovaries is what got this syndrome it’s name. However, it is not a reason behind this disease but a symptom, which like others doesn’t appear in everyone.
With common symptoms like acne, mood problems, and irregular periods, it can be easy to even chalk these up to other causes, like stress.
What to do then?
Stay healthy. You remained undiagnosed doesn’t mean you can become a potato couch. We highly recommend you joining our digital program to help you stay healthy and fit. Checkout https://7confirmations.xyz/ and join our health club.
Wonder if you could get pregnant while you are diagnosed with PCOS? Well, that is the topic for next time.