3 min readNov 6, 2020


Have you ever travelled while having PCOS? Life is different when you have PCOS and so is travelling. There are some tips to follow while planning a trip for the women with PCOS.

In this article, the challenges faced when travelling with PCOS and some suggestions are given. Read to have a stress-free travel.

It’s frustrating and challenging to deal with PCOS while planning to travel. For a woman living with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), the vacations can be stressful. From all the delicious outside food that demotivates you to stick to healthy diet to the messed sleep routine, you have got the perfect stressful time with you. Moreover, we all know, stress and PCOS can go hand in hand.

Below, we have some travel tips for PCOS so that your weight, health, lifestyle, sanity and stress levels are maintained throughout the trip.


Going on a vacation means there’s going to be plenty of food indulges involved. Try to stick to the Healthy diet as much as possible,or atleast don’t eat anything with guilt.

One of the easiest ways to avoid food temptations is to boost your fiber intake. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and whole-grains keeps you full for a longer time and help you pass all the temptations.

Always keep a track of what and how much you are intaking, so that you can adjust your diet accordingly. Incase, you find nothing on the highway to eay, except junk food, two advices for that -

1. Either carry home cooked food (no-no to maggie and soda/coca cola)
2. Look for fruits/juice near you


Stress is one of the most common contributors to PCOS. When your trip to-do list expands, it brings added stress and anxiety. Don’t let stress affect your motivation to fight PCOS. Whenever you feel stressed about anything- from buying gifts for everyone to stressing about following itinerary strictly, take a deep breath and relax.

If you are not up to doing something without feeling stress or unwell, don’t feel pressured to do it.


You have to start putting yourself and your health above anything else especially while dealing with a disorder like PCOS. Ignoring self-care has its own consequences, none of which are pleasant. So, never bunk your yoga time or exercise schedule for having drinks at a party or going to watch sunset.


Don’t assume that few late night parties or fun will not wreak havoc on your sleep routine. They surely will and even a couple of nights of sleep deprivation is going to worsen your PCOS symptoms. It is always best to stick to your sleep routine. Still, if you find it unavoidable to sleep early, then clear up your schedule for the next morning to get at least 7–8 hours of sleep.


We know it’s not possible to workout or do yoga amidst all the trips to-do list. But, there are other ways to stay active, so use them! Run or walk or brisk walk in the cool, crisp air is good enough cardio. Getting outdoors will also uplift your mood.


It happens with most women, that they forget taking PCOS supplements on the trip. That is why it is important to take extra measures and set up a reminder or alarm on your phone so that you don’t miss a single dose.

Overall, stay strict and keep a check on your routine- from eating to sleeping. Have a great trip and enjoy. 😊

For more info, stay updated and don’t forget to check us out if you are looking to reverse your pcos.




We help women to get rid of PCOS, by giving them the right set of tools, information, accountability(support) and insights to build a healthy lifestyle.